It is a hard task keeping up with the latest and hottest updates in the gay porn industry. Paysites are regularly updating their archive of porn, interesting events in the world of porn happen every other day, porn magazines release new issues when they deem fit, and every new day comes a new gay porn site setting up shop. It is a full-time job keeping up with all that happens in the industry, but you don’t have to do so yourself. Let me handle for that, I get to provide you with news and keep you all happy, and I selfishly get to prowl the internet for the hottest new sites.
QueerPig is a gay porn blog dedicated to providing its readers with the latest and hottest in the universe of gay smut. So if you want to always be up-to-date with the latest gay porn news, videos, and galleries, keep on reading.
Website Content
Before you read on, your wankers should note that isn’t the place to watch full-length clips of hunky bears making muscular bottoms choke on their cocks. The best you guys will get here are steamy images and video trailers. This place wasn’t set up to provide wankers with full-length porn clips, but rather to direct them to sites that offer the steamiest wood polishing materials. Of course, this blog has to make money, so be prepared to visit a lot of affiliate links and membership sites in the process.
If you are someone who takes entertaining your dick seriously, Queer Pig is here to help you every single day. The blog is updated with the latest gay porn news, videos, and photos on a daily basis. The blog posts are well-written and informative. They are all also written in simple diction, so understanding them should be easy unless you are a dimwit with the brain of a toad. However, our brains usually turn off when hot men are involved, I know mine do. I have spent countless hours just drooling at a picture, not even reading the well crafted text.
One of the things I like best about QueerPig is its well-rounded variety. It makes no difference if you like to watch black studs fucking slender white twinks or prefer watching sliver-haired grandpas dominate barely legal bottoms, this blog has got something for you. The articles featured here cover a wide scope of topics that range from; exclusive interviews with popular pornstars, handles of the hottest gay pornstars on OnlyFans, site reviews, gay porn news, and more.
The bulk of the posts on Queer Pig are about newly produced porn scenes. One of the first articles I checked out was about a new release from CockyBoys that featured Aiden Ward plowing the ass of a lucky bottom.
The post included a description that told me all the action the scene contained. When I scrolled down, I came across raunchy images of the models featured in the scene. They both had nothing on and were showcasing every bit of their sexy assets, and the images only got naughtier as I scrolled further down. The image quality is second to none, no grainy pixelated crap here. They all look like they are taken by a professional photographer, who, I may add, might have the best job in the world.
Every post has a set of images that are sure to give you pervs a third leg. Blog posts about new scenes also all come with video trailers that give readers a little of taste of what is to come. Whether you chose to go through and watch the scene, though, is entirely up to you.
While you do not need to pay to access the content on QueerPig, they do not offer full-length clips of the scenes they appraise. You are going to need to visit the pay sites the scenes are sourced from to access them, which of course involves you making some form of payment. I reserve my wallet for only the hottest sites, I’m quite picky. Some of these blog posts have made me search for my wallet a few times.
It is safe to assume that everyone reading this piece likes to have an intimate cum-draining session every now and then. You won’t be judiciously reading a review about a gay porn blog if you didn’t find slapping your cock around to high-definition videos of sexy bottoms getting their ass cheeks spread wide apart entertaining.
I am happy to inform you wankers that Queer Pig also reviews sex toys. The reviews are easy to read and let you know all about the toys. So if you are looking to spice up your meat-beating sessions by including a sex toy in the mix, check out QueerPig’s reviews. There were a couple of interesting toys that caught my fancy, and I have made a mental note to get them for later. Don’t judge me, I like to unload my nuts just as much as the next guy.
The folks at QueerPig do not only intend to keep you updated with all the kinky fun going on in the gay porn industry, they are also out to help you save your money. Subscribing to paysites can get really expensive, especially if you are subscribed to multiple sites. Thankfully, Queer Pig has gone ahead to point out which sites offer great discounts and trial offers. You are still going to be spending your money, but at least you get to save a bit more of it.
Website Design
Queer Pig has a simple design which makes surfing through it easy. Users also have the option to switch between dark or white themes. I opted for the dark theme because it is easy on my eyes. I am not a fan of porn sites with bright themes and no option for a dark theme. I don’t want to feel like my retina is about to be unattached.
Dedicated wankers like myself tend to spend hours consuming gorgeous and hot gay porn, and staring at a white background for an extended period of time will definitely cause my eyes to strain. This is why I award extra points to sites that have provided their users with an option to switch between white and dark mode.
The blog is also equipped with features that make it super easy for readers to explore it. You do not have to aimlessly scroll through Queer Pig to find the studio or pornstar you want to check out. You have only got to make use of the site’s search engine to find whatever you fancy. The search engine is easy to use and effective. I would rather use the categories, though, I prefer not to think and have all the users handed to me on a plate. Did I mention that I’m lazy?
Mobile/Desktop Experience
Queer Pig is fully optimized for mobile and desktop. Nowadays, browsing these sites on mobile is the number one way to see it. It’s how the site should be seen. Luckily, this blog delivers on that front. I noticed no issues or annoying niggles when viewing on my mobile. Desktop experience is like having the full experience, whereas mobile is like having just the meat and bones.
Watch Out for the Ads
The bane of every wanker is intrusive ads, and you can bet on having a bout with them on any porn site that offers content for free. Even some pay sites shove annoying ads down the throats of their members. The ads here on QueerPig however, aren’t as intrusive as those you will find on most free porn sites, but they are nevertheless annoying. The ads here are plastered all over the web pages, so be careful not to click on them if you don’t want to get redirected to another site.
Checking out pornstar’ profiles on Queer Pig is a bland experience, as the only information provided about them are the scenes they have previously featured. I think that a bit of information about the professional cock handlers featured should be added. Including info such as their cock size, body type, number of tattoos, eye colour, and favourite sex position would make their profiles a lot more fun to explore. It would also give new users a chance to explore and learn more about their latest crush.
If watching sex men fuck each other’s brains out is a favourite pastime of yours, then check out This blog does a great job of bringing the latest happenings in the world of gay adult entertainment to the screens of its readers. There aren’t many gay porn blogs around which put as much effort as this, and have stood the test of time.
It is a nice spot for folks that prefer to watch HD content from top porn studios but want to find out more about the content before paying for it. They will also help you save your money by letting you know which premium gay adult sites offer the best membership plans and discounts.