Finding high quality porn for free nowadays is a challenge. A lot of sites promise it, but hardly any of them deliver it. Sure, watching amateur porn is fine, but sometimes you just want to see some really well-made videos, and you’re strapped for cash. Maybe, like me, you would like to sample some of the delights before you sign up for a premium membership. Listen, I’m not condoning sites that rip off content for free, but you can’t really stop it, and I’m just here to give you the verdict. Some people will always try and seek out free porn, and some will pay for it. It’s the way it is and the way it always will be.
I stumbled upon this site by accident, and I was pleasantly surprised. At first, I thought it was a magazine style blog, because the thumbnail quality was so big and good. I was surprised to see this site is actually an amazing treasure trove of full length videos. I’m talking thousands upon thousands, it would take you years to shift through this content. I’m sure some of you will give it a try. This seems to be part of a network of sites, because it uses a whole host of different domains which can get confusing, however if you stick to the one listed, you should be fine.
GayPornHDFree is a place where you can find a wide array of premium gay porn. I’m talking about the kind you find from all the big studios, how a site has lasted so long with this stuff on amazes me, but here we are? Usually, though, there’s a catch when it comes to sites like these. Either it’s filled with ads, or the videos don’t play. No site is ever perfect, and this one isn’t. However, I will get into that soon. So let’s talk a deeper look and see if this site is worth your time.
Is it a tube site or not?
A design of a site speaks volumes about what you’re going to be faced with, At first glance I couldn’t work out whether this was a tube site or not. It doesn’t follow the same pattern of others, so I was mildly surprised to find out that it is indeed a tube site. It doesn’t follow the same formula, though. Furthermore, it has a very nice vibe to it, it has a nice logo, a list of categories and then a huge banner in the middle. The banner in the middle links to the movie of the day, or something. The thumbnails look crystal clear. Usually tube sites have a small thumbnail which is very grainy and gives no clues as to the quality of the actual video.
When you click a thumbnail, you are led to the video page. If you’re an experienced user of tube sites, you will know how this work by now. This site though uses videos from other sites, so the actual site itself does not host the videos. That means there can be occasions where the video goes down, and the admin has no owner. Luckily in this case, there seems to be two videos per page, so if one goes down then there’s a backup.
There is a tag for which pornstars featured in the video, and also which studio it’s from. So if you’re checking out something which makes your dick rock hard, and you want to see more, then finding more from the studios or stars is very easy. I like that about it very much. The category page at the top of the main menu also has a link from all your favourite studios. It was hard to find a studio I didn’t recognize, so I’m sure you won’t have trouble finding what you need. You can also use the search bar, but that only finds videos by keywords and not the studios themselves. Unfortunately, there is no dedicated models page, which is a shame as I would like to have had a list of models to search through.
As the videos are hosted on another site, you will get different options for different players. As I’ve mentioned, there are no ways to download videos directly. Some players allow for a quality change, and I’ve seen 4k videos. However, you’re usually limited to 1080p only. There are various features like slow motion and freeze-frame, but nothing you won’t see anywhere else.
What type of movies will I find here?
The simplest answer is every kind, whatever you desire, you will find. As I mentioned before, if you check the channels page, you will see it has all the big studios there and how many videos per category. There is also a section at the top which has links to actual full movies, along with the runtime. This is a nice addition, most tube sites don’t have that and usually just mix it in with the majority. There are over 228 pages of full length movies, which means there are over 2000 full length treats for you to get off on. That’s not including the individual scenes, that is a staggering amount. The quality of them vary, but generally they are all in 1080p.
Apart from the quality, we must speak about how frequently gaypornhdfree is updated. That is key when looking at any tube site, and they deliver on all fronts here. They don’t just upload one or two videos per day like a lot of sites, they add thousands per month. The admins must put in serious work uploading all these videos, I’m surprised they manage to do it all. I think I’d be busy wanking myself senseless with all the videos they have to update, it’s a hard job, but someone has to do it.
Unfortunately, due to the videos being hosted on a third party service, then there is no way to download each video. It’s a shame, but we can’t have everything, and I must warn you that you may bump into a few ads now and again. When browsing on my mobile, I noticed that every time I tried to click play on the player, then I was greeted by an ad, which is a damn shame. Also on mobile, the site has a very strange layout shift which makes viewing some of the videos very annoying.
On each video page, you will see a section named ‘archives’. This is pretty self-explanatory, it will show you the archives by various months. Each month is labelled with how many videos were added in that month. Surprisingly each month contains over 2000 new videos which is a lot, I had no idea the site was updated this much, but it’s a pleasant surprised nonetheless. Whether they keep up the intensity with the uploads is another story, though.
A decent site with a lot of content
The sheer amount of videos makes this site worth visiting, on that merit alone. However, the navigation could use a bit of work. I would love to see more categories, especially as I quite like sub niches and navigating all the videos would be so much easier and pleasant. There are a few ads, but nothing I could handle, but I must praise the video quality and the design. It doesn’t look like a bog-standard tube site, which I love. The thumbnails really stand out and entice you to watch them, I know I spent a good few hours on this site and will definitely come back in the future.
If this site doesn’t do it for you, I’ve compiled a huge list of other gay tube sites which provide variable alternatives. I’m sure you will be impressed with a lot of them, I’m constantly adding and reviewing the list to keep it fresh. I remove the sites that don’t meet my constantly high standards.
GayPornHDFree is aptly named, because it says what it provides you. Full length videos from the biggest studios, at great quality and no cost. You will have to suffer through some annoying ads at times, but I always feel this is a small price to pay for free shit. If you like the stuff, I highly suggest you buy a membership at the studio’s website and support them that way. I always encourage fair practices, and these studios cannot survive without your support. This site is a try before you type deal, I wouldn’t be able to stomach the constant barrage of ads every single day. Who knows what data they are collecting. Anyway, GayPornHDFree will keep you entertained for hours, if not days. The content may get a bit stale and unless you know what you’re looking for, you may get a bit lost. Go and check it out for yourself and let me know what you think.