You know that I’m always on the hunt for fresh new porn tubes, we are all sick of the same old shit. Tubes which provide you two second teaser clips, or videos that really go nowhere or look they are filmed with a toaster. I find a lot of rubbish sites, but occasionally along comes a site with piques my interest and keeps my faith in the community alive. That’s where comes in, sure it’s nothing revolutionary, but it does the job. Provides you with great quality full length videos, and that’s all we can ask for. The big question is, is it better than anything else out there? Well, Let me tell you.
First Impressions
They say first impressions count, well my first thought when landing here was, this is all a bit plain. That doesn’t matter aslong as the content is fresh and alive, but I’ll get onto the videos later. The logo is plain as day, and the design is mid. It has a few jazzy colours which makes it stand out a little bit, but overall it seems to be one of the most basic tube sites I’ve seen. An absence of ads on the site is a notable perk, providing a cleaner and less distracting experience for all you guys to get off on. Nonetheless, this minimalism, while refreshing, contributes to an overall straightforward and somewhat monotonous atmosphere. We all like a bit of jazz every now and again, don’t we?
The website lacks sections for models or an “About Us” page, offering limited information about the site. Instead, basic rules are provided, including guidelines against insults, unrelated comments, and spamming. Non-compliance with these rules may result in expulsion from the site. This site is owned by a Russian judging by the emails below, which I found strange as I thought Russians are not into this stuff? Anyway, each to their own and there are always exceptions.
In summary, the design of is minimalist and straightforward, with a lack of elaborate features or branding. While this approach may suit those seeking an uncomplicated experience, the absence of certain informational sections and the use of confusing titles could be improved on. The lack of ads is certainly a big plus, as these types of tubes generally have about ten banner ads on each video page and twice as many pop-ups, so I was quite surprised to see none at all.
Huge Amounts Of Full Gay Porn Videos
Gayteam really boasts a huge collection of gay porn, which isn’t to be sniffed at. At the time of writing, there are over 1024 pages of content, which is a massive amount. With over 30 videos per page, that’s over… well, I’ll let you do the maths. They are all in very good quality also, which is a bonus. The videos are plainly titled, and can be a little confusing to newcomers of gay porn, however it’s not a dealbreaker. I usually judge videos by the video rating, which helps a lot. Find what others like and then go from there, it’s a sure-fire bet to work.
The videos seem to be all over 20 minutes in length, and I have even seen one close to an hour. The videos are usually full length professionally shot scenes, so you will find all the best models and scenes from your favourite videos. They have a sprinkling of amateur videos every now and again, but if you’re looking for self shot porn, then this place isn’t for you. It’s mainly HD & 4K video rips of full length scenes.
Is It Free?
Well, you will be happy to know that this site is completely free. I have no idea how they keep the lights on, because they don’t even show ads or have a premium membership option. However, that is a mystery I will let the site admins deal with. I’m just here to enjoy the huge amount of free gay porn. You can signup for a free account by clicking the login button, inputting your details on the registration page and abiding by their rules.
As a member, you unlock a few perks. You can upload your own content, build a favourites list, and even leave comments or rate videos (though it seems like they don’t rate much, if you catch my drift). There’s also a taste of exclusivity with access to a select few videos. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have much of a community to interact with, so I’m guessing this is just so you can help populate their site. You can decide whether you want to contribute to their ever-growing library.
The Viewing Experience
It seems that gayteam doesn’t host their own videos with a video player. Instead, they embed from other file sharing sites. I mean, this saves on bandwidth costs of course, but then you’re at the mercy of ads from other sites. It took me a few clicks to finally watch the video, after it opened a few ads which were mildly annoying. Luckily, if one video doesn’t work they do have mirrors but still, I hate ads with a passion. It’s even more annoying on mobile, as it seems finicky and noway to stop it. Apparently you can download a video, but clicking that link will send you to a file sharing sites. Then kind of sites usually make you pay for faster speeds, so it will probably take you years to download one clip. I’d stick to streaming if I were you.
From here you can add videos to your favourites, so you can have your own personal list of your best videos. You will also have a huge list of related videos below, so if you’re into a certain type, then you won’t have to go far to watch similar ones. They also contain the Pornstar names, however I’m terrible with them, but some may look familiar to you.
They have an abundance of categories, of every size and shape. From Bareback to Twinks to even Fisting. No surprises for what Fisting is, but let me tell you it’s definitely worth a watch. Each category already has hundreds and hundreds of videos to keep you entertained for hours on end. The list is always growing, and I’m sure you can give your own suggestions to the site admin, if you speak Russian that is.
Final Thoughts certainly provides a considerable offering for those with an interest in gay porn. The website is basic, and has some decent filtering options. Importantly, access to the good stuff comes at no cost. Upon becoming a member, you gain access to some exciting perks, and the ability to upload your own content, all without any fees.
So, is a must-see? Well, it may not be groundbreaking, but for those interested in its niche, it certainly has something to offer. Whether it’s worth your attention ultimately depends on your preferences and desires. It doesn’t have many ads, until you click on a video, so it won’t hurt for you to give it a try and let me know what you think.