The boy collector is a mysterious unknown individual who scours the web in search of the hottest gay twink porn videos and pictures that exist. He collects them and puts them on his site for all to see.
All of the pics and videos on boycollector are from major and smaller studios such as Helix, bel Ami Online, Next Door Studios, Enigmatic Boys, and much more. In exchange for the free content he has collected for your enjoyment he hopes you will click his affiliate links and banners to help fund his mysterious existence. But seriously, a lot of hot twinks fucking, sucking, jerking off, and cumming are all over this website, so go there and jack your dick.
Oh, by the way, click on the “who’s hotter” link to start playing an addicting never-ending game of rating two photos side by side of twinks and simply clicking on the one you think is hottest. Then go see the leader boards to see who agreed with you. A simple concept is yet so so good.